Third Generation
Pawny is the name assigned to a non-operational American agent. As in the game of chess, she is considered unreliable to important missions—the smallest, insignificant, outside of the big strategies.
 In the year one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one an impassable wall divides Berlin into two sectors controlled respectively by Soviets and Americans. While the tanks of the two armies are lining up on the borders of the city, unexpectedly Pawny, during her first seemingly insignificant mission, will instead be at the center of the attention and dispute of the two great superpowers.
 She will have to choose whether to obey orders or her morality in search of a personal solution to that crisis, while the situation seems to evolve towards a worldwide confrontation without limits and without precedent to involve Europe and the whole world.
Wood of Plane
Available to be published
Fairy Tales - Wood of Plane
Fairy Tales
Poems - Wood of Plane
Honest Deception
Second Generation
First Generation
Our Madness
Little Soul
Touch of Happiness
Voice in the Night
Good Hope Hotel
Night Clouds
Shiny Lake